rebuilding a premier crm strategy

Learn how SIR rebuilt their CRM and retention strategy with Klaviyo, Shopify and Elephant Room

Founded by Nikki Campbell and Sophie Coote in 2014, SIR. has earned international recognition for its unique aesthetic, which focuses on wardrobe essentials and minimalist silhouettes. This contemporary fashion brand prioritises high-quality, ethically sourced fabrics, becoming synonymous with effortlessly chic wardrobe staples. The brand DNA is deeply rooted in aspirational visual escapes, evoking a sense of eternal sisterhood under the sun.

Project Overview

In October 2023, Elephant Room embarked on a small project with SIR., initially focusing on resolving some pressing deliverability issues. SIR. was experiencing problems with emails landing in the junk folders of Outlook and Hotmail users. 

Alongside this, Elephant Room also worked on improving their US Klaviyo setup, ensuring proper list hygiene and reviewing full-flow triggers to benchmark performance.

As we delved deeper, Elephant Room conducted a comprehensive audit and identified several opportunities for improvement:

  • Deliverability Issues: Many emails, particularly to Hotmail and Outlook domains, were landing in the junk mail folder. Over the course of 4-6 weeks, we implemented a deliverability plan that significantly improved their email performance.
  • SMS Utilisation: SMS was not being fully leveraged, especially for subscribers who had opted out of email. We recommended strategies to better utilise SMS for these subscribers.
  • Klaviyo Setup: The list structure and segments within Klaviyo were not fully optimised, resulting in thousands of subscribers not receiving emails. Additionally, some email flows were incorrectly set up, causing double sends—which can increase unsubscribe rates. 
  • Omnichannel experiences and flows built inside Klaviyo
  • Better tracking and deliverability through Elevar
  • Increase first-time purchase rate through a new series of flows and template design systems

When Bree Jones joined SIR. as the Head of Digital six months ago, she recognised the value of Elephant Room’s initial work and decided to continue the partnership. Given that the SIR. digital team comprises only Bree and a marketing coordinator, there was a resource gap that Elephant Room was able to fill effectively. Bree aimed to adopt a more holistic approach to SIR.'s CRM strategy and therefore signed onto a CRM retainer model with Elephant Room in January 2024.

"I've worked with Adam and Elephant Room for three years across multiple brands and always had a great relationship with everyone. It was a natural progression to bring CRM on board. The team is highly skilled, reactive, and feels like an extension of our own team. This has been incredibly beneficial, especially given our small in-house team," Bree said.

Under this retainer model, the main objectives included:

  1. Increasing First-Time Purchase Rates: Improving the customer experience from a lifecycle perspective, tailoring SIR’s approach for first-time buyers versus returning customers.
  2. Omnichannel Integration: Integrating online and offline data from SIR.'s retail stores to create a seamless customer experience. The strategy ensures that both email and SMS communications are aligned with a customer-first approach.
  3. Automation and Tracking: Exploring ways to leverage automation to manage repetitive tasks efficiently. Additionally, implementing and testing Elevar for enhanced tracking capabilities.

Through these efforts, Elephant Room has significantly improved SIR.'s CRM performance, driving better engagement and revenue across multiple channels.

Key Implementations

SIR. wanted to focus their marketing dollars on net new acquisition to grow its database and top-line sales. 

“Our CRM strategy drives retention, and working with Elephant Room has been invaluable in optimising our current efforts. Additionally, as we're quite young in terms of our bricks-and-mortar presence, Elephant Room has significantly improved our omnichannel approach,” Bree said.

Omnichannel Focus

The integration of offline conversions via SIR.’s POS system into Klaviyo has provided a clearer understanding of customer behaviour, allowing SIR. to see how email and SMS drive both traffic and revenue in-store. Bree noted, “ER set up offline tracking, which has been great. It allows us to measure the impact of our campaigns and flow performance in-store, providing a holistic view of our marketing efforts. They’ve also split out our email flows to ensure that if someone is within a certain radius of one of our stores, it encourages them to visit, which has been really effective.”

This setup allows SIR. to identify omnichannel shoppers (both online and in-store) versus single-channel shoppers. With this data, SIR. can develop personalised omnichannel strategies, using email and SMS more effectively to drive revenue both online and offline.

For example, if a customer who shops in-store abandons their cart online, SIR. can send targeted emails encouraging them to visit their local store to try on and purchase the item. Email and SMS are also used for in-store activations, such as product launches and VIP events, and the impact on revenue can be measured.

Although still at the beginning of this journey, SIR. has already seen higher conversion rates in its browse abandonment flows when using omnichannel splits and lifecycle personalisation for new versus returning customers.

Elevar and Klaviyo Integration

Klaviyo typically uses cookies to track onsite activity like viewed products and started checkouts. However, Elevar’s server-side tracking captures more accurate and complete customer data without relying on cookies. 

“What's great about server-side tracking is its ability to identify more of that unidentifiable traffic, which has driven incremental revenue for us,” Bree said.

This integration increases the number of abandoned checkout or abandoned cart flow emails SIR. can send, improving its ability to recover these abandoned carts.

Increasing First-Time Purchase Rate

To boost first-time purchase rates, SIR. adopted a lifecycle marketing approach, personalising email and SMS communications based on the customer's relationship with the SIR. brand—whether they are new or returning customers. This personalisation has been implemented across flows to drive first-time purchase rates effectively.

Results Achieved

Here are some impressive Q1 stats following the efforts by SIR. and Elephant Room:

  • SMS Revenue: 27% increase in AU, 49% increase in the US.
  • Click Rates: 35% increase in average click rate in the AU account, and a 59% increase in the US average click rate.
  • Deliverability and Engagement: Increased deliverability and engagement in US account after fixing Hotmail/Outlook deliverability issues.
  • Campaign Performance: Above benchmark engagement metrics since following a new segmentation plan for email engagement.
“It's been great tapping into Ash and her team's expertise in Klaviyo, which is making things easy for us. The synergy between our CRM and paid media efforts allows us to focus on new customer acquisition while effectively converting our owned audiences. Holistically, it’s been really good having everything handled in-house with Elephant Room,” Bree said. 

Future Plans

When asked about SIR's next steps, Bree highlighted two major initiatives: continuing the omnichannel strategy and improving its loyalty program, with a strong focus on data and measurement.

“It's really important to have tailored communications and experiences for different customers based on their interactions with us. For instance, ensuring that customers who purchase in-store have a tailored experience and don't just go straight into a generic welcome series."

Bree added that they have been working on a big loyalty piece, reviewing their work, and really relying on the Elephant Room team for data and measurement. 

“The holistic support from Elephant Room has been incredibly helpful. I can come to the team with questions about our GA4 setup, data, CRM, or paid media, and their extensive knowledge helps across multiple areas of the business.”